BÁRBAROS was co-commissioned by the Adelaide Festival Centre in Association with Brink Productions and had its World Premiere in June 2023 at the Adelaide Festival Centre as part of its 50th Anniversary Celebrations where it received rave reviews.


BÁRBAROS a thrilling new Australian multidisciplinary work from one of Australia’s leading independent dance companies ‘Limosani Projekts’ which explores the rivalry between human instincts and the restraints of society. Its dynamic physical performance, evocative live sound score, and visually graphic stage and costume designs generate a uniquely original stage production that poetically unpacks how the barbaric lurks in the hearts of all the civilised.


Our collective entry point was the question 'Can we simultaneously be both naturally civilised and naturally barbarous?' and follows out through the interrogation of the multifaceted dimensions that drive what it is to be 'Barbaric’ – a viewpoint that is highlighted daily in






Produced by: Lina Limosani @ Limosani Projekts

Assisting Producer: David Roberts

Concept: Lina Limosani, Thom Buchanan, Sean Williams

Director & Choreographer: Lina Limosani

Visual Artist: Thom Buchanan

Set Design: Thom Buchanan & Renate Henschke

Costume Design: Renate Henschke

Sound Composers: Sean Williams & James Oborn

Sound Editing: James Oborn & Lina Limosani

Live Audio Engineer: James Oborn 

Dramaturg: Paul Gazzola

Performers: Anton, Jana Castillo, Rowan Rossi

Lighting Designer: Tom Kitney

Production/ Stage Manager: Ninian Donald













‘Independent choreographer Lina Limosani hits yet another jackpot with BÁRBAROS.’


‘BÁRBAROS is a sensory feast.’


‘The movement is utterly original. The three performers, navigate the most complex. often interwoven movement with consummate skill.’


‘BÁRBAROS is captivating in every respect.’




Bàrbaros is a tremendous, powerfully visceral nightmare journey exploring the darkest psychological depths of the divide between civilisation and outright barbarism.’


‘The biggest psychological king hit comes from Limosani’s masterful, revolutionary use Japanese black shadow puppetry, married to sound composer Sean Williams’ and James Oborn’s soundtrack.’


‘The ultimate absolute heart of darkness.’



‘I was not prepared for 55 minutes of sheer wonder and admiration for both the concept and the performance. I have not seen anything like it!


‘Barbaros is a thought-provoking piece of physical theatre that will leave you in awe.’



‘This intensely physical stage work created by a collection of independent artistic collaborators is – at its highest points – made hypnotic through the use of some genuinely original devices and ideas.’


‘BÁRBAROS is a timely reminder of the potential that can be realised when independent artists are supported to explore their creative impulses.’